Saturday, September 12, 2015

Product Review: The Moo To You Udderly Fun Tug

The Moo To You Udderly Fun Tug is made out of milking machine parts. The rubber bits have definitely spent prolonged contact with cows, these are bits that attach to the udders. They are clean, but presumably full of cow essence. My cattle dogs certainly adore them. There are multiple sources of milking machine part dog toys, this one came from a dairy farm in Maine.

Brisbane loves the milking tube tug
Photo by Erin Koski
I first heard about tug toys made out of recycled milking machine parts a decade ago, but back then there was only one person selling them and they had to be ordered online. Fast forward a few years and they're becoming more and more common. I found this one at the Dog, Dog, Cat store in Tahoe.

So what is this thing made out of, exactly? We all know that cows are mostly milked by machine these days. The bits that actually touch the cows are called "milking inflations". These rubber tubes delicately massage the udders, and over time they lose some of their flexibility. Obviously nobody wants stiff rubber milk inflations massaging their udders, so these parts need to be replaced often.
Brisbane loves his milking inflation tug toy
What's a dairy farmer to do with all those food grade, made in the USA rubber parts? Tie a rope through them and make a kickass dog toy! It's safe, non-toxic, made, milked, and assembled in the USA, and keeps all those rubber milk inflations out of trash. What's not to love?

Of course, the tubes are cleaned and sanitized before they are turned into dog toys, so they don't smell like cow or carry any risk of disease. The long skinny part of the tube is usually cut off and used as a comfortable handle.

Pros: Made in the USA by a dairy farmer on a dairy in Maine. Food grade rubber tube made in the USA. Doesn't smell like cow to me, but totally does to the dogs because they have amazing noses. Simple and durable.

Cons: Hard to find in stores. Not for unsupervised missions of destructive chewing.

Bottom Line: I feel this is a very appropriate toy for my cattle dogs. The cattle dogs agree.

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