Monday, September 28, 2015

Product Review: Dogline Comfort Round Microfiber Collar

The Dogline Comfort Round Martingale Collar is a soft and gentle on sensitive coats. The round design slides easily into the hair and remains secure but unobtrusive. It is durable enough for a trip to the beach, and the simple design should keep it looking nice for a long time. This collar comes in eight colors and seven sizes to fit dogs with heads 14-26" around.
Brisbane's unexciting collar
Photo by Erin Koski

Our photographer friend Erin likes to set up nice shots of the products I review, and she's always telling me to use less bright and loud collars. "That bright purple collar is very distracting when we're trying to showcase the leash." Brisbane backs out of flat collars, so he usually wears a harness or a martingale. Big wide collars distribute pressure better, but I wanted something small and subtle.

I found this Dogline microfiber martingale collar at our local feed store. It is thin and round, so it slides into Brisbane's coat. The black color isn't attention-grabbing, and the whole things fits very well. It has a relatively small martingale loop 3" long. This means it doesn't hang too low when loose, but has just enough space to slip over Brisbane's head.

Pros: Soft and gentle on delicate skin and hair. Round design means minimal friction and less hair breakage. Practically invisible.

Cons: Practically invisible, so it can be hard to find when I don't put it away properly. Super thin collar concentrates force and can put a lot of pressure on the dog's neck. Not adjustable at all, I am just lucky the 18" one fits Brisbane perfectly.

Bottom Line: This collar will be appearing in a lot of our product photos.

What is your favorite collar for your dog?

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