Monday, September 14, 2015

Product Review: BarkShop Space Bandana

The BarkShop Space Bandana is a fabulous addition to our wardrobe. It is reversible, with a Space Rover logo on one side, and a fantastic star pattern on the other. This is a triangular scarf and can be folded and rolled to fit just about any dog.
Brisbane loves space.
Photo by Erin Koski

I love bandanas. I have autoimmune-related hair thinning, and I very rarely go anywhere without something on my head. I have a drawer full of bandanas and scarves, and an entire wall of hats to choose from. I don't put bandanas on my dogs quite that often, partly because I haven't had a great selection of things to dress them up.

I'm kind of a hipster about life in general, and I've always found paisley to be entirely too mainstream. Brisbane has a skull and crossbones bandana that he wears occasionally, but that was it until BarkBox started sending us stuff.

Brisbane the Space Rover
I love all things sciencey, and the June space-themed BarkBox seemed like it was made just for us. Brisbane doesn't like wearing most clothes, but he's perfectly happy to show off a flashy bandana. This is among my favorite things we have received in a BarkBox.

Pros: Super cute. Science-themed and awesome. Like looking into the universe.

Cons: Might be too big for Ru, unless I tie it into some sort of sarong wrap.


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